8 Jun, 2012
It’s been about a year since I last did an interview with one of Geeks to Go’s members, and I thought that had to change. We’ve had an interview with our very own ‘Head Geek‘ and a staff member of the tech crew. This time I picked out a promising student of our very own Geek University (GeekU). GoDawgs is a Senior in the GeekU training program and we wanted to know a little bit more about him. Enjoy! 

Your screen name on Geeks to Go is ‘godawgs’. What is your real name and how did you come up with the name?
My real name is J.C. McFarland. I live in the Great State of Georgia and I’m a huge fan of the Georgia Bulldogs. But instead of the Bulldogs they are known simply as the dawgs.
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1 Apr, 2011
This time, we have an interview with one of our very own Trusted Tech staffers on Geeks to Go! Troy has a lot of knowledge regarding hardware and we wanted to know a little bit more about him. (I still remember the day he helped me with my very own rig.
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16 Jan, 2011

Have you ever wondered who is behind this site? We did an interview with the man behind this amazing site full of great and free advice!
In part one of the interview we learned bout age, employment, family, what he likes to do in his ‘free time’, and his ‘most memorable moment’ on the site. In this, the second part of the interview I will ask some questions about how and why Geeks to Go was created. How long it has existed. And even get 5 tips from the Head Geek himself! 😉
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14 Oct, 2010

Geeks to Go admin
Have you ever wondered who is behind this site? What our Head Geek (as we like to call him) likes to do in his spare time? What drives him? Today is the day to find out! Because we did an interview with the man behind this amazing site full of great and free advice!
This is the first part of a two part interview. In this first part I will ask him some questions regarding age, employment, what he likes to do in his ‘free time’, and his ‘most memorable moment’ from the site. Be sure to watch for part two… Coming soon.
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