File Information
- Submitted: May 28 2009 11:25 AM
- Last Updated: Jul 12 2017 02:00 AM
- File Size: 438KB
- Views: 4003285
- Downloads: 1,311,108
Download TFC - Temp File Cleaner by OldTimer
11 Votesoldtimer
TFC (Temp File Cleaner) will clear out all temp folders for all user accounts (temp, IE temp, java, FF, Opera, Chrome, Safari), including Administrator, All Users, LocalService, NetworkService, and any other accounts in the user folder. It also cleans out the %systemroot%\temp folder and checks for .tmp files in the %systemdrive% root folder, %systemroot%, and the system32 folder (both 32bit and 64bit on 64bit OSs). It shows the amount removed for each location found (in bytes) and the total removed (in MB). Before running it will stop Explorer and all other running apps. When finished, if a reboot is required the user must reboot to finish clearing any in-use temp files.
TFC only cleans temp folders. TFC will not clean URL history, prefetch, or cookies. Depending on how often someone cleans their temp folders, their system hardware, and how many accounts are present, it can take anywhere from a few seconds to a minute or more. TFC will completely clear all temp files where other temp file cleaners may fail. TFC requires a reboot immediately after running. Be sure to save any unsaved work before running TFC.
Please note TFC is not suitable for use on Windows 8.1 or 10
Donation Information:
TFC is 100% free. However, it is the result of significant investments of time and effort by OldTimer. If you find his tools helpful, and would like to support his efforts, please consider a donation. Since you can't buy him a cup of coffee, simply click the Paypal button below:
Here, it is the problem
After Cleaning with TFC and Rebooting my PC,
the Extensions for Known File Types (e.g. .txt, .doc etc.) are not visible!
It is like going to the Windows Explorer Menu: Tools >Folder Options>View
and checking the checkbox 'Hide extensions for know file types'
I made a Screen-Shot:
Has any item ever been added so that a Log File, or at least a View of removed files can be seen, if there is a search done on a Windows7 SP1 computer ?
This would be good just to check if an important item was removed by accident, then you would know where to look .
After my machine re-booted, I checked around, and there seemed to be nothing wrong, so I decided to try and use it again, to see if it was a one time error. This time the program worked just fine. But, it said that W7 had to reboot (I expected this), but it hung at the "shutting down" screen for 40 minutes, before I gave up up and reset my machine.
I again checked everything and so far I have not found any errors, so far.
I would think this is not normal, so, is TFC compatible with Windows 7. Or is this just a bug?
Nothing seems to make it "go back" to how it used to function, including uninstalling and reinstalling TFC, to a recovery partition windows reload, even a full disc wipe and .iso downloaded-from-microsoft clean windows install...
Should I be alarmed?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks either way!
Also - I've never run this on any Windows Server O/S - do you recommend?
Any feedback would be appreciated. Thank you.
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Been having the same problem....was able to use it after hard reset before all processes were loaded, but not clue why...will try to shut down most processes and see if that works...but it's a pain...need to figure out why this happens