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File Information

  • Submitted: Jul 14 2010 09:59 AM
  • Last Updated: Mar 05 2015 10:54 AM
  • File Size: 707.96KB
  • Views: 123181
  • Downloads: 31,434

Download The Avenger by Swandog46

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The Avenger

What is it?

The Avenger is a fully-scriptable, kernel-level Windows driver designed to remove highly persistent files, registry keys/values, and other drivers protected by entrenched malware.

Why is it useful?
The Avenger is effective at removing malware that is hooked deeply into the operating system itself, which is often difficult for standard tools.

Why is it important to be careful with it?
The Avenger is a VERY POWERFUL program, and can easily be misused.

Certain misuses of this program can prevent your system from ever starting again.

For this reason, it is strongly recommended to use The Avenger only under qualified supervision. I can accept no responsibility for damage caused by misuse of the program.

Avenger Homepage
Avenger Documentation
Avenger Tutorial

Note: Avenger has reached end-of-life and will no longer be updated or supported by its developer.

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