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File Information

  • Submitted: Feb 25 2011 12:43 AM
  • Last Updated: Dec 19 2019 09:28 AM
  • File Size: Unknown
  • Views: 1193953
  • Downloads: 396,932

Download RogueKiller latest version

* * * * * 8 Votes
scan antimalware malware removal antirootkit rootkit virus cleaner


RogueKiller Anti-malware uses advanced layered engine to find and destroy any type of infection. Whether they are nasty threats like rootkits or just a basic adware (displaying ads) there is no place for them to hide. The scanner is free of use for searching and removing malware. The Premium version comes with a Malware Protection and a module to prevent your documents from being encrypted by Ransomware.
RogueKiller is available in 16 languages and a rich documentation is available to the user on the website adlice.com.

What's New in Version latest version (See full changelog)

  • http://download.adlice.com/api/?action=download&app=roguekiller&type=changelog



Please use the Official Link (sur-la-toile) as much as possible :thumbsup:
    • 1
I've only been using this for a few days, but it has been great.
You will be receiving a donation.

A question about the "HOSTS" file scan.
I use the modified HOSTS file from (http://www.mvps.org/...p2002/hosts.htm) and naturally my RK scan files some dodgy entries.

I've just been ignoring anything it finds there.
Anything wrong with that?

Also -
After doing a "Scan", I tried to enter another option to continue using RK - but nothing happens.

I've just been closing out the window and re-running it.
Is there some other way to keep making menu selections without starting over?

    • 0

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