I just wanted to let folks know that I've started a new podcast aimed at new Linux users and computer users that have never tried Linux but are interested in doing so. It's called Linux Reality and the homepage is http://www.linuxreality.com. You can also find the podcast in iTunes for folks that use that software.
Anyway, I have used Linux for about 4+ years and I got a lot of help from great people while I was still finding my way and this little podcast is just my way to give back to the community. The podcast has been embraced by a ton of people so quickly (I am only on my 4th episode) so clearly there is a real need for something like this -- something down to earth, that avoids all the technotalk.
Feel free to check it out and let me know what you think. You can email me at edited out email for security, don't post your full email address on an open forum unless you like spam or post a comment at the site. Thanks very much!!
Chess Griffin