I am just a notch above being computer illiterate, so please break answers down as simple as you can LOL. OK, I have been playing around with Windows Movie Maker and also a video editor I got with my DVD drive. Nothing fancy, I just have pieced together some clips & edits of things I wanted to place & burn on DVD so I can save them and watch them on stand alone DVD players. Anyway, I have a pretty large sized video clip I downloaded and when I try to trim it down by placing it into one of the editors, I get a
This file is not indexed or compatible with this program ( or something close to that effect ). When I play the clip in Windows Media Player it plays fine but I can't fast forward or rewind it. Just plays straight through. I have found posts this evening that say I need to 'use the indexing program to open and play it and it will become indexed' What Indexing program ?? , I have no idea what was used to create this file. I have downloaded Codecs (still no idea what those are I just tried it as an idea someone had posted elsewhere) , I have downloaded file changers to change the files but nothing seems to work.
It's a VERY GOOD possibility that I have done something wrong along the way but nowhere can I find a simple straight forward answer as to how I can fix this problem. Can I even fix it ? The file extension on the file I am trying to edit is .mpg & it says file Type: Movie file (mpeg).
Anyone out there able to tell me what I need to do to edit this clip so I can save parts of it ?
Thank you in advance for any help you can give.