I can't rip anything. They ask me to select the video file name, and audio file name. I tried using E:/ as the name for the video source. It says error it either doesn't exist or it is being used by another application. I tried removing the disk. clicking on the drive. restarting the computer....Nothing.
I click on the xing Mpeg player. Click eject disk. My D drive opened. I want to use the E drive. D drive not working.
I tried using my C:/program files/windows media player/wm player.exe blah blah blah for the audio source.
Am I doing this right?
In the video source section when I click browse it will let me choose my plug and play dvd rewriter.(or Drive E) then I click open and it says the movie name. I click Open it says VIDEO_TS. Somewhere along the line it changes from open to save. After VIDEO_TS in the other box it asks me to select a file type. I opened the VIDEO_TS folder and tried every file I saw.
And so on.
It says these files are not valid for the type of source, or something.
I just don't know how to choose the video and audio source file names.
These movies will not play on the Xing mpeg player. but they play fine on the windows media player 10. I can also play things in the i tunes player.
I've tried every internet search I can think of. I keep seeing things about a card. Do I need one of these cards?
Also how can I make it recognize my E drive?
I know nothing about wav files, Aif files, Mpeg. I don't even know what format a regular dvd comes in.
