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Closest point, nearest neighbour using KD-tree

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  • PipPip
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Hi guys!

I know this may sound crazy, but do anyone here have any experience in either field and do anyone have working code for Closest point, nearest neighbour using KD-tree?

And if you have no idea what I am talking about, please don't respond.

Best regards
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And if you have no idea what I am talking about, please don't respond.

Sigh... Every time I read a post with a statement similar to this, it always makes blood pressure go up just a little bit. You are posting on a public forum and most likely only people with experience will respond to your post. But, when you put a statement like this, it just makes irritates readers and discourage people with experience from answering your question. Please excuse the mini-rant, it was a FUBAR type of day.

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Check out the following link:

I will be frank with you, I do have good experience with data-structures, but have never gone in into 3-D. So, I'm not sure of the above link.
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