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VB error code "the memory could not be written"

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I need some help with visual basic. I do not know anything about this program, but I have some students who are taking it as a distance learning course from our school. I know that this problem has to be caused by their rights on a certain folder, but I can't figure out which one. It doesn't happen under my login because I am an administrator, but I cannot make a student an administrator or even a poweruser on the school computer.

In VB, they are in the Compnents menu. They have checked the box for Microsoft Common Dialog Control 6.0 (SP3). Then they recieve this error code:
The instruction at "0x00405235" referenced memory at "0x77e74e65". The memory could not be "written"....Click Ok to terminate, click cancel to debug

The instructor for the course has been unable to help, so I thought that you might have some insight.

One thing that I did try was: I gave them full rights to the VB folder on the C drive. The error code did not come up for them, but it said that they did not have access to the location.

Thank you in advance for any info you have.
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