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Making a photo from a windows media file

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I have a few videos that friends / family have sent me in windows format. I use windows media player. Question is how can I get a photo from these videos? Like when I pause the video on a good shot is there anyway I can copy / edit to get a photo of that frame? Thanks!
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Retired Tech

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You could see what movie maker 2 lets you do, (split frame), this is installed on XP SP2 but you may need to use search to locate the shortcut and send it to the desktop if you will need it often

Nero, Power DVD and Roxio will do it
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    motto - Just get-er-done

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A lot of times i use my Corel capture to take full screen shots and save them as jpg's. Corel capture comes with the corel Draw graphics suite. There are free screen capture programs you can use but i have not tried using any. What i like about corels capture program is that you can have a full screen movie paused and all you have to do is hit a hot key to capture it. I then open Photo-paint and paste it in from the clipboard and save it as i want.

Heres a free one. I havent tried using it.


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