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VB.Net Code issues

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I'm trying to write a program in VB.Net 2003
Below is my code.
I am getting and 'end of statement expected' error at the end of the line highlighted in red.
Can someone explain to me how I can fix my code to work?

Private Sub uiCalcButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles uiCalcButton.Click
'calculates the discounted prices using discount rates of 10% through 30% in increments of 5%
'declare variables
Dim originalPrice As Double
Dim discountPrice As Double
Dim discountRate As Double

'clear the contents of the uiDiscPricesLabel
Me.uiDiscPricesLabel.Text = ""
'if the text box contains data, then assign input to variable and display
the discounted prices
DoWhile discountRate = 0.1 To 0.3 Step 0.05
(this is where i am getting the error - what is highlighted is what is showing up as part of the error)
discountPrice = originalPrice - originalPrice * discountRate
Me.uiDiscPricesLabel.Text = Me.uiDiscPricesLabel.Text _
& discountRate.ToString("P0") & " " _
& discountPrice.ToString("N2") & ControlChars.NewLine
IfMe.uiOriginalTextBox.Text <> "" Then
originalPrice = Double.Parse(Me.uiOriginalTextBox.Text)
MessageBox.Show("Please enter the original price." "Shoppers haven", MessageBoxButtons.OK, _
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Shoppers Haven", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
'set the focus

Edited by Sparklies, 14 April 2006 - 11:50 PM.

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Hai Mac

Hai Mac


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I do VB6.0 so I am not sure, but I never so such a Do While syntax

Maybe you would like to try to replace that bit with

For discountRate = 1.0 To 0.3 Step 0.05

instead of the Do While .. Loop.

Try it :whistling:
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Hi Hai Mac:

I had it as a For-Next, but I need to do it as a Do-Loop instead.

Any suggestions on how to make it work?

Edited by Sparklies, 16 April 2006 - 06:52 PM.

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Hai Mac

Hai Mac


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Well, actually I didn't read the code to know what it does, but I suppose you want to exit the loop when a something becomes 'true'. Just inside the For..Next loop insert something like this:

  If discountRate = 0.1 then Exit For

This will jump outside the loop and continue from the line just after 'Next'.

If you desperately want to use Do...Loop, try this:

'set initial value
discountRate = 0.1
Do Until discountRate = 0.3 'final value
   discountRate = discountRate + 0.05  'increment

basically it does the same as the For thing I posted previously... :whistling:

Edited by Hai Mac, 17 April 2006 - 03:23 AM.

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