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Some type of Nasty(s)? First signs?

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  • PipPip
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Hello All,

Im having a few troubles(if you would call it that) and all with my computer,
After i finally fixed the trouble(loss my sound) my sound i thought it was doing 'okay',
But as you know its never ending!

I just read a thread that someone had troubles with the VxD, i have that also alot, sometimes my computer will boot up properly, sometimes it wont, and random erros like that. (blue screens etc)
I just put that down to my conflicting drivers with my webcam, which im pretty sure its that. So i just put up with it.

Well the problems that have been on my mind to try and sort out, is (ill just do it this way in numbers or i might get a little lost and forget lol)

1. I noticed that my IE browser has gone a bit ...weird.. The fonts are HUGE
(screen shot of google.. :blink: )
Posted Image

Now it shouldnt really bother me, but im one of those people that it does :help:
I normally use Firefox anyways but everynow and then IE(as you do)

2. My computer has become really really laggy, and slow, i noitced this almost instantly, when i minimize my browser windows or any windows for that matter, its very slow, again i did a screenshot to show you,
Posted Image

The background picture is also bare, i do have icons but when thats happening it dont show up, and its like half a screen, its REALLY anoying

Ive had a few problems realted to that also that ive figured, i think its explorer or maybe a DLL i did have a problem also with Rundll32 that i can remeber, im not really that sure just had a few ideas that ive worked out from and all.

Also ive recently got trojans/virus from a cd that i had and a pop-up, but i fixed that and took care of it(well i really hope so! :whistling: )

Thats all ive taken note of and i hope thats anof and that its all understandable,

Thank you for any help, :)

I really would like to no whats wrong and how to fix it, as ive run out of ideas!
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This will rebuild the registry and also replace missing or corrupt system files

Boot the PC and keep tapping F8 right after the beep until you get options, select command prompt only, give it a minute to arrive at the prompt with a flashing cursor then type scanreg.exe /fix then press enter, it will run through a few screens then say registry repaired. Press enter then press ctrl + alt + delete keys together to reboot.

When Windows has loaded, click start, all programmes, accessories, system tools, system information, tools then run system file checker and replace any files it asks for from the 98SE CD then reboot.

When it has loaded to the desktop, click start, programmes accessories, system tools to run disc clean up, then run disc defragmenter from system tools

This part is optional

Download, install and run Tune Up 2006 Trial

Run Tune Up disc clean up

Run Tune Up registry clean up

Click Optimize and Improve to run Reg Defrag, the screen will lose colour during the process which can take a few minutes and then needs a reboot

Those will have cleared the drive of obsolete software errors

These are suggestions for making the most of the free trial

After the reboot, click optimize then system optimizer to optimize the computer, select computer with an internet connection from the drop down menu, this also requires a reboot

After the reboot, click optimize then system optimizer to accelerate downloads, select the speed just above your actual connection speed, this requires a reboot.

After the reboot, click optimize then system optimizer to run system advisor

On a web page, click view then text size
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