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Need help viewing screenshots

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I recently installed a program to track usage on my computer & it takes screenshots, I had it set to take them at 1/4 size to save disk space because I'm using the free trial & it will only let me save 500kb & I want to get as many screenshots a possible. I'm using the software because I suspect my bf of cheating, he always closes his im windows when I walk in the room, or he keeps them in the background while I'm around. Last night it recorded about 100 screenshots & most of them were his im convo that he wouldn't let me see. The problem is that I can't read it! I need help desperatly!! I've tried exporting the pics to other programs & zooming & printing, but it's just too blurry to read & too small at regular size. Can someone please help me? Suggest a program I could use to view, or if someone could figure out how to view the pics I could email them to you. Please, someone help me!!!! I'm not just being nosy, I just really want to know if he's cheating!! The program I used to get the screenshots is called Activity Logger & they are JPEG images. If anyone can help me please reply or contact me through email. Thanks in advance!
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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if they're jpegs it's not likely that you'll get much clarity out of them...if you want me to give it a shot shoot me a pm and i'll give you my email so i can see what i can do .....you're pretty much going to need to have it save those screen shots at full size....but...in all honesty...why not just talk to him? ask him if he's cheating? ask him why he hides the stuff from you...then ask yourself if you really want to invest your energy in someone you already feel like you can't trust
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