Print ""
Print ""
Print ""
Print "Book Review: Genre - Autobiography"
Print "Book: "
Print "Review Type: Proposed Idea, program"
Print ""
Print "Submitted By:"
Print "Adittya Akash"
Print "Room 204, 8A"
Print "# "
Print "Submitted to: Ms. Saunders"
Print "May 28, 2006"
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Print ""
Print ""
Print ""
Print "Welcome To The Book Review"
Print "For this book review, I drew pictures to illustrate some chapters"
Print "from the book and wrote a small caption for each picture"
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
loadpicture([C:\akash\bbb.jpeg]) As IPictureDisp
End Sub
it doesn't load the picture for the the command 3