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Uninstalling Suse

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  • PipPipPip
  • 213 posts
Hello. I want to completely take Suse off of my comp and reinstall Windows 98. I need step by step instructions on how to accomplish this. Thanks :whistling:
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All you should need to do is to reinstall Win98 and when it boots, delete all the existing partitions and create a new one. You may need to boot the CD and use "fdisk" to remove all the existing partitions and create a new one.

I am not sure of why you want to use Win98 as XP is better and supported, you might want to consider that.
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That sounds simple enough but the problem is my Windows 98 disc will not ingage on this comp. I can't get it to open. This is an old Compaq Pressario 5242 and it came with Wndows 98 and that is what I would like to put back on it.
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Am I correct in your saying you can not boot the CD? If the machine is older, you may need the boot floppy that came with the OS. This will allow you to access the CD and load the OS.

You might also check to see if the BIOS has a setting to allow you to boot from the CD. Sometimes the boot order is not set to use the CD or it is in the wrong order.
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  • PipPipPip
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I has been my experience that windoze (xp) cannot read a hard drive formatted with a Linux file system (ext3). If windoze installer does not boot, this may be the case.

I use Darik's Boot and Nuke to erase the drive so that windoze can then see the drive.

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With the help of a computer friend we figured it all out. Using a Windows XP disc you can get the the "delete partitions" part and we deleted both the partitions and then inserted the Windows 98 disc and all reinstalled just mighty fine. Am back up and running perfectly. Thanks to everyone who tried to help. I'm sure I will be needing more help in the future. Ya'll are THE best :whistling:
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