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Need help finding meaning and purpose in programming and technology

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I am looking for any new perspectives on the affects of technology in our current culture and where it can go in the future. I feel a loss of hope and I need to hear other people's opinions on this issue.

There was a time when I used to enjoy programming but its lost its meaning for me. I feel like I am so behind in the field that I can't do anything important with it, so the most I could hope for is getting a job writing code for a business that only cares about profits. I no longer have that childlike motivation to pursue something just for the sake of exploring it. I need some reason and meaning for doing it. And currently I feel a lack of purpose.

When I look at how technology has sped up our world so fast that it is nearly impossible to live a peacful existence and maintain a stable social family, it makes me hate everything about the only hobby I was ever good at. The only way that humans can keep up is to use artificial means of communication provided by the same beast that caused the problem in the first place. All of this is so that we can create even more material products.

The health field has benifited from technology. A person's life may by extended by many years, but chances are they would have lived a happier shorter life if technology never got this far. I would personally rather live a happy short life than a miserable long one. Everywhere I look I see human beings substituting technology for real life face to face communication. I can't help but feel that we've lost our way and went too far with it all. I think the most important thing in life is human bonding and technology has replaced that with horrible substitutes that only create the illusion of it. Were gradually becoming more isolated as individuals and I think it is no coincidence that the depression rate has been growing even before 9/11.

If anyone has any different perspectives I would love to hear them. As you can tell I am having a hard time finding anything positive on my own, so hearing your ideas will be of great help to me.

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If you think people lived shorter happier lived before technology was so advacned you need to read some history or even just talk to your grandparents, before technology not only was life short but it was hard and life had little value before large scale high speed communication networks the world was a small cold place full of predators. Depression rate isnt growning its just better recorded, before millions of people lived and died short depressing lives but no one cared and no one recorded it, so now people live rivcher healthier lives thanks to modern technology and if they arent happy thats nothing new people seem to relish whinging about there lives.

If you want to get back on your game learn some new languages do a course take a swtich in career theres lots of ways to catch up on the method of technology once you know how to think properly you can learn a computer language quite quickly. If you dont want to be a programmer go do something else, and really whats wrong with working for a company and whats wrong with caring about profits its natural for someone to want to make money and earn a living, if you want to code freeware youll need to find yourself another job to support yourself anyway.

And having a peaceful existence and a stable social family life is not something technology can intervene in unless you let it, if you have an unstable social family life that isnt technologies fault its your own fault and the fault of those in your "family" technology can improve your life if you let it and be a detriment if you let it just like alot of other things life, its all what you make of it,if you arent happy with something change it.
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