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Saving and Loading multiple variables

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Hello everyone. I'm new here, and I havn't programmed for awhile.

My friends suddenly wanted to play Dungeons and Dragons, and I said, why not, it's summer. Since it's a geek thing to do anyhow, I suddenly thought of how long it had been since I had been programming. From that I realized that I could make a program to make the play much easier, especially since we all have laptops now.
As of now, it has a few die boxes (?d? + ? = ?) with roll buttons, a HP meter connected to a scrollbar, notepads, stat boxes, character name, class, inventory, equipment, spells, enchantments/chakra etc..

I'm to the point now where I need to make a save/load character info feature, although I'm not sure how to do this in such a manner that it's retreivable to put in the same text boxes. And on the same token, be able to retreive it?

How would I go about doing this?

I'm a fairly fast learner, so if you can give an example I'd more than likely be able to apply it to my program.

Thanks in advance.


Sorry, forgot to mention, I'm using Visual Basic 6.0.

Edited by Adramaleck, 24 May 2006 - 12:52 AM.

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Alright well, I have it working now, I used Line input and output

My problem now is that I need a way to save the multiline text boxes - they obviously have carraige returns enabled. Perhaps a seperate file.
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Try using an access database rather than text files.
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you can always set variables and then use the call function which would be something like this

this as module
Private Sub Variables
i = "ddd"
h = "hhh"
End Sub

this in main form
Private Sub Form_Load()
Call Variables
End Sub

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