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Old Apple Computer Game

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There was this game I used to play all the time when I was a kid (late 80's, early 90's) on an Apple IIgs. I have been looking for what it was called, if anyone knows ^.^

You could be either a male or a female player. The character design looked like they came right off a bathroom stall, lol. The goal of the game was to go through various mazes to collect small objects... I do not remember what they did. You also had to avoid being eaten by a worm. Inside the worm was a maze, but since the game was timed solving the maze made it take longer to reach the exit. After you went through all the levels and collected all the pieces, you had a knight. The knight had to "catch" four keys, which were only a few of many raining down on the screen. After you put the keys into their corresponding locks there was a little animation and the knight fought the dragon and you won the game.

I can remember all the screens but I can't remember what it was called. I remember it being on a 5 1/2 floppy... Any ideas?
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Mr. Green

Mr. Green


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I so remember that, it was the intro to PC games for me, but alas, I can not remember the name.
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Do you know of any websites that would have a games archive? I tried looking on Wikipedia, and maybe I'm just missing it, during the years of 1985 and 1987. I'm not sure when it was released (I was born in '86 :whistling: ) so I'm just guessing on this. Do you remember what year it was?
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    Malware Removal Goddess

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I ran across this place and I don't know that it's listed, but all of the games on that page are from the 80s so if it's not there, I don't know where you could find it:

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