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Google earth

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Hello everyone,
i have been fooling around with my google earth (free version) for a while now and am wanting to add it to my video that i'm curently creating (you know how CNN does it, zoom into a location anywhere in the world). Is this feature only available on the 400$ version. If this isn't the case does anyone know who to do it? And if it is, would it be availble if i got the 7 day trial of it?

Edited by james_8970, 06 June 2006 - 09:13 AM.

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not sure about the google earth questions...

but check out this site: http://visibleearth.nasa.gov/

there are also a lot of other sites around with satelie images.

not sure about the type of effect you want, but you can zoom into images to a degree..
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ya but when it zooms into the location i want to save it as a video file.
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    Retired Staff

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have you got a video camera? you can record the Computer screen. THere is also software available which record screen captures at a number of shots per second, so that might work?

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Why don you use CaptureWiz, you can download it right here http://www.pixelmetr...ro/Download.htm The link is for a 30 day free trial but I have downloaded it and have been using it for almost half a year now and I'm still running the free trial. CaptureWiz allows you to capture any picture, sound and video on your screen and saves it on your hard drive. And I have in fact used it before to capture a Google Earth zoom in. But before you capture any video with it make sure you decrease the compression rate and increase the fps, otherwise your video will end up pixilated. Have fun.
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    Trusted Tech

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lol, what are the chances, just downloaded that one(capturewiz) the 13th and it works great! Time to get it published on the web. O and thanx alot you guys for the suggestions.
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