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Antivirus and Firewall Preferences

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I am writing up a close/prevention speech and was thinking of firewalls and anti-virus programs. I have a list of free programs that i'm currently testing, but was also wondering about non free/shareware programs that people use. I use Mcaffe antivirus, firewall, spamkiller, and privacy service. I have not gotten an infection whilst running this.
I know another good one is Norton, but have not used it before.

Does anyone have opinions on these, or others. I would like to hear what and why people use, or what you don't like (and why) to get a some ideas for my speech's. Interesting links would be good also.

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Isnt there allready a canned for that?

The only two not free ones i feel comfotrable reccomending is NOD32 or Kapersky in comparison the others are most certainly not worth the money you paid for them.

But i stick to avast for my AV needs its the AV that suits me best i would only consider swtiching to NOD wouldnt get rid of it for anything else.

If you have good habits its hard to get a virus, if you want to test an AV you need to try to get malware, set up a virtual machine and try it, but talk with the malware staff they do that stuff all the time.

Edited by warriorscot, 02 July 2006 - 04:29 AM.

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Yeah, I deliberalty download virus's and spyware too. But I don't want to buy expensive software just to test.
I didn't put the question in the Geek U forum because I want to get a wide range of replies, not just geek u members.
Thanks for the Input. I'll look into them. :whistling:
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Ok, this is my personal oppinion and must no be interpreted for anything else, first that the AV itself changes with the the version ie Panda 04 last great and worked whereas the shop where I worked in Geneva the following version we had to stop selling it because of its incompatibility a certain systems. Norton works but it is expensive, weighs heavy on the system and is also hard to remove if one doesn't know how. Mcafee I have had no problems with and since the retail margin is somewhat better than the others the shop plugs it a lot. Now, turning to the free stuff, the shop here in the UK is using spyprotector a lot and I personally like AVG.

If I may be allowed to make one more point, an AV, like a suit of armour, has to be chosen to the system it is to be placed on and is a comprimise between protection and weight so it is up to the individual to decide which level of protection merits what level of loss of movement in that I imagine no one want a fully protected snail of a computer then.
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VMware server is free as far as i know.
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Yeah, I deliberalty download virus's and spyware too. But I don't want to buy expensive software just to test.
I didn't put the question in the Geek U forum because I want to get a wide range of replies, not just geek u members.
Thanks for the Input. I'll look into them

But you will get a wide varity of replies from experts who do what you are looking to do not only GeekU members, if fact if you look around there are already some topics on this

VMware server is free as far as i know

Few topics in GeekU about that as well :whistling:
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