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Windows Movie Maker

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My friends and I worked very hard on this video, so we are all hoping that it will let us save it (finally) and put it up on the internet.

Okay, so this is quite a big movie (79 mb roughly), containing both video and audio...

We've saved it on WMM but whenever we try to "Save as Movie" so that we can finish it, it won't let us.

A message something like this appears:
"WMM cannot save to that specific location. Verify that the original source files used in your movie are still available, that the saving location is still available, and that there is enough free disk space."

1. I've tried changing the location we're saving to...to pretty much everything possible.
2. I have MORE than enough space for this, so it's not that.
3. All the files in the movie are still available.
4. I've tried saving as a lower quality video, etc...with no luck.

Any ideas?
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Did rename or move any of the original source files?
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Did rename or move any of the original source files?

Nope. :whistling:
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  • PipPipPip
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Use a different Video Editor. I;ve had problems with WMM also, I suggest Ulead Video Studio.
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Is it possible to import a WMM project onto a different program?
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  • PipPipPip
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No. But if WMM isn't working you should make a new project in a different editor.

There isn't another way..
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