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360 XBOX Networking question

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Can the Xbox 360 file share with the entire network being wireless??? Or does the Xbox have to be wired to the router and the laptop wireless. Or can the Xbox be wireless and the laptop wired? I have read so many different posts and cannot get my Dell Latitude XP Pro laptop to file share with the 360. Now I really want to file share so that I can load the rosters into NCAA Football 2006. I'm not buying all that garbage just to get the rosters. I should be able to file share the rosters on my laptop to the 360. Please advise - Thanks!

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It doesnt matter if your Wired or Wireless... The file sharing principles are the same. I know nothing about the roster loading or sharing for the game you are talking about though... But according to Microsoft the only files you can share are Media files (Movies and Music) so it is probably safe to say that the rosters you are trying to share must be in a Media format and then are not compatible or even possible to insert into a games code.
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only music and pictures can be shared with the 360, unless you have media center, then video can be shared as well, however rosters are not a type of file that 360 can recieve from a computer.
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