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Putting Home Movies on DVD

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I have a bunch of home movies (about 12 hours worth) that I would like to burn to DVD. What is a good software to do this, and is it possible to get all 12 hours on a single disc?
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Retired Tech

Retired Tech

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Which make and model camcorder

At good quality you would get an hour per disc
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I already have them on my computer, as .avi files.
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Retired Tech

Retired Tech

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Click download latest version of Nero


Reboot after you install it, click start smart, make DVD Movie, make DVD, add files, browse for the files, though add them individually then watch until you have 4.3 GB then click next etc
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download "WinAVI," its a free video converter, and can convert .avi's into DVD's. I have found it isnt brilliant at burning, but CDburnerXP Pro 3 or Nero is good at that.

You will not be able to fir 12 hours onto a disk. To get DVD quality movies, the avi's should come to around 700MB in total, for each DVD.

Hope that helps.

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  • Member
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download "WinAVI," its a free video converter, and can convert .avi's into DVD's. I have found it isnt brilliant at burning, but CDburnerXP Pro 3 or Nero is good at that.

You will not be able to fir 12 hours onto a disk. To get DVD quality movies, the avi's should come to around 700MB in total, for each DVD.

Hope that helps.

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