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Nero7 Cuts and Clips Music Files

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  • PipPipPip
  • 131 posts
Hi all,
I've made about ten CDs and even renewed the CD burner (CD/DVD 2layer Sansung) but to no avail. I've trawled around the OPtions and Preference settings but can't find anything to stop it from cutting the (silence + 1/2second) from between tracks.
I've just d/loaded a free burner (Burrrn) and it works like a charm.
Also, since installing Nero 7 I've had this through my puter like a rash:
NeroRash.jpg <--- Click On.

I can't open the files and can't find a prog that will ( Notepad, Irfanview, WMP).
Any chance of the two problems being tied together?
Any help would be appreciated.
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  • PipPipPip
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To all and Sundry,
I've done some study on Nero 7 and've found a lot of unhappy customers as it 'takes' control' of certain elements.
It installs a new file bloater called "Nero Scout".
I have subsequently uninstalled the aforementioned programme and've had great joy and delight with the slightly older but much more satisfactory Nero V6.6.0.13.
Hope this can help others.
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