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Out of space for uploading footage

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  • PipPip
  • 11 posts
Hello! I edit videos using adobe premiere elements on a windows XP operating system. I no longer have sufficient disk space for the captured footage, since I've used it all up. The user guide to the program just says that uploading footage requires hard disk space. So I was wondering how to get more hard disk space. Would an external hard drive work for this purpose? Or would I have to install more internal memory or something?

Thank you!
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Pi rules

Pi rules


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  • PipPipPip
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An external hard drive would work, but I would recommend an internal one over an external for video editing. To clean up some, you could use a program like CCleaner (link in the bottom of my signature), but I doubt it would free up enough.

To find out which type of hard drive your PC can use, please download EVEREST Home Edition. Go to Summary and post what's listed under motherboard name and I'll look it up for you.
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