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Retired Tech

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Each one of these questions represents a possible risk factor or protection against ID theft. Each time you added points you were on the right track. Each time you subtracted points you entered a danger zone.

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Judging by that test, I'll be buying computers on credit three states away realllll soon.
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    Trusted Tech

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Interesting :whistling:
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Retired Tech

Retired Tech

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Several recent experiments have shown that nine in 10 people would give up computer passwords in exchange for a small gift like a chocolate bar when questioned by someone holding a clipboard.
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    Trusted Tech

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:whistling: Wow, this is a dumb generation... Sorry guys, but anyone who gives away their password for a chocolate bar is just dumb.
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But it was a Milky Way!!!!!
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But it was a Milky Way!!!!!

mmmmm Milky way. I would never give any of my passwords away ever, how silly would that be. If you have private information on your computer, it would just be like saying to somebody "oh, here why not have all my bank details and my pin number and my mobile phone number, my address and everything." My computer is full of personal information and I wouldn't give my password to anyone, not even my family knows my password.
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Several recent experiments have shown that nine in 10 people would give up computer passwords in exchange for a small gift like a chocolate bar when questioned by someone holding a clipboard.

9 out of 10 of our mods and admins would. :whistling:

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    Je suis Napoléon!

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i'd give away my password for a chocolate bar...then change the password before the person got anywhere near a computer to try out the one i gave them....or to save my lazzy but the trouble...and give them someone elses password
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    GeekU Admin

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It would have to be dark chocolate, but I didn't say I'd give up the correct password. :whistling:
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Several recent experiments have shown that nine in 10 people would give up computer passwords in exchange for a small gift like a chocolate bar when questioned by someone holding a clipboard.

9 out of 10 of our mods and admins would. :whistling:


Password is Rita.

Hand over the choclate quiet and peacefully, so I can change the password. :blink:
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