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.swf to .gif conversion

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I've made a simple banner using SWFText 2.0 and I can't seem to convert it to gif format so I can start posting it on my page. I've done some reading on how to use the coversion software and have tried using Magic SWF2Gif, Flash SWF to gif/avi and swf toolbox. The most I can record of the banner is 1-3 seconds of normal fps or 4-5 frames of the banner flashing by in quick succession and not showing the whole thing. Can someone please tell me what i'm doing wrong and how to fix it?


If some one can help do a good conversion i'd happily send the files I have for the banner made using SWFText so you can see what I wanted to do.

Edited by Xolah, 25 September 2006 - 07:46 PM.

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