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Anyone familiar with Nero 6 Ultimate Edition?

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  • PipPip
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I've contacted Nero, but their support is notoriously slow. I'm fairly new at CD burning etc. so if this question is a little "noo-B" it's because that's what I am. Using either a CD-R or a CD-RW, how do I add to an existing disk?? I'm recording WAV files that were generated by my synth....the files are HUGE, so I need to get them burned and then get them off of my hard drive so that I can add 4 or 5 more without running out of space. My question is: I have a CD-RW that has 5 songs on it right now...when I attempted to access it to add another, Nero said that the disk wasn't empty and did I want to erase it first....I thought "Nope, I just want to ADD to the song list". Thanks in advance for any help given.....Jim :whistling:
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Retired Tech

Retired Tech

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Look for multisession / allow further files to be added, otherwise it will use closed session and not allow additions
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