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Not enough free disk space for copying audio files?

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  • Member
  • PipPip
  • 11 posts
Hi there

I am trying to copy WAV files (recorded interviews) from my computer to CD-RW to play in a portable CD player. Files are between 17MB and 65MB. The CDs have 700MB of space and my Hard drive has 91GB free space. When I try to copy the files to CD, I only manage to fit one or 2 files on a CD, after which I get an error message for the rest, saying that there is not enough free space on my disk for temporary files.

What's up - I don't get it?? I even ran Cleanup to free up more space, but surely I have plenty (on either the CD or my hard drive). Am I using the wrong format or something?

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  • Member
  • PipPipPip
  • 193 posts
I think you may be trying to jam more than 80 min on a cd.
Simply put, I guess the 17mb is about 70 min and the 65mb is about 130 min?
A 700 mb cdr at most can hold 84min a cdrw even less.
You would need to break up the files to fit on a few cd's or
Another solution would be to convert files to mp3 for an ipod or similar device
or as an mp3 file on cd,playable on your pc.
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