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Avi...dvd+r help! :(

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I have the cucusoft avi to dvd whatever program. I have a movie in avi and i converted it to dvd, then burned it on a dvd+R dvd. I tried playing it on my computer and a dvd player and it didn't work..

If I tried converting the avi to vcd and then burning it would that work? or what is my problem? Is it the dvd type?

I just want to watch my avi file on a dvd player with a tv :whistling:
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Retired Tech

Retired Tech

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Use this with a rewriteable disc because it watermarks the output as a trial


This decides if it is a software error

Which DVD writing programme have you got
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I already said i used the cucusoft converter that converts avi to dvd. The problem is i burn it on my dvd+r but when i put it in my dvd player or laptop it doesn't work. I'm not sure if its the dvd+r cds or that the format doesn't work on my laptop or dvd player or what....When i converted the avi to vcd format and burned them on a cd-r it worked but the quality wasn't that great :/.
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Retired Tech

Retired Tech

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Never used cucusoft but it has got a DVD writing engine?

Also, as I said, using another programme will determine if there is anything wrong with the software you are using
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