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Hello and Thank You in Advanced.

I currently work for an ISP and recently discovered that our setup is not up-to-par. I am mostly a graphics artist/web designer, but I would like to build a program with the following features and I need a little help on the best possible options to get started (very minor programming experience here.. please bare with me)

Current Setup - Installs a dialup connection, sets up Outlook Express mailbox, places 2 shortcuts on the desktop for easy access to the web (homepage and webmail)

What I want to build:
- does what the current setup does
- checks for updates (new setup) once per day or week

- may even have a tray icon if really needed (beneficial for 'quick' options/links)

I'm not sure the best way to incorporate this... I know it MUST be compatible with Win98 and Newer (as I am not going to support Windows 95 for obvious reasons). The biggest question I have is:

- what should I use to complete this goal (actual program... if any... or programming environment)
- I need to reach the absolute smallest file size

Again... Thank you for any input you may help me with. I am not a programmer... but I like making things... but this is particularly business oriented toward my customers primarily.

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