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crane operater

crane operater

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I am trying to make a dvd slide show video. Got all of the pics on and trying to put audio on. I do not want to play the whole song but only want to play part of song. I went into wave editor and was able to delete the part of the song that I do not want. Now I want to immediatley start another song. But the song still seems to play the whole way through just without sound on the deleted part. What I want to do is have audio on just a few phrases of one song and then immediately go to another song and play just a few phrases. Is there a way to do this?

Thank you for any help.
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Welcome to Geeks to Go, crane operator.

I have found the wave editor in nero to be very lacking. I would suggest trying Audacity but i find it also lacking . Good to play with but i can't consider it for anything very professional. Luckily i bought Cool Edit 2000 years ago. I have not been able to find any program that matches it yet. If you would like i could combine the two songs together for you. It would only take a few minutes to do this. If you are interested please Message me ( click on my name in the left panel) so we can exchange email addresses.


Edited by SRX660, 14 October 2006 - 04:19 PM.

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