I've build a script that adds a key to the registry that will have a value of a file path.
The key is placed in
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\
and then that key is known as a system variable. So when you let a script run that key, it will boot the path. This is also the case with the Run Dialog from the Start menu and Taskmgr.
Now I got to a point of adding so many registry keys that I lost track of em.
I found a solution for that, by saving the added key to a text file in the scripts directory.
Now I want it to be expanded a bit more. I want to see the custom keys that have been added to the complete
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths.
I don´t want to see the default Microsoft keys, just the keys that have been added by my program.
It´s very complicated to explain, but I´ll show a little example±
Example: My script writes the key "hello.exe" to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths.
It adds a path: "C:\\sound.vbs"
Then it writes the keyname and the path in a textfile.
What I'd want to have now is, the script read all keys inside
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths
and filters out some keys inside the hive.
The filtered keys are the default keys from Microsoft.
Could I expect any help or cooperation?
I'm also looking for teammembers for my VBS projects.
If you are interested in learning VBS or working together with me, please e-mail me:
Currently I'm working on the following projects:
Double Deleter.
This script will check all files in a directory and will see if files are exactly the same by checking it's size and resolution. Both files will then be placed in a temporary folder where you can easily check if they are really the same.
Why would you want two of the same pictures?
It's especially handy if you got something like 80.000 pictures in one map. (common in pr0n situations.)
Edited by IO-error, 16 October 2006 - 02:07 AM.