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AGP setting

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hello i currently downloaded EVEREST to see more details about my computer (like i understood any of it, lol) Anyways i had this message on bottom of the everest page(program that tells u your system specs)...."Problem Current AGP speed is lower than maximum supported. This may cause performance penalty"..........now when also searchin i found that my current AGP setting is 4x and max supported can be 8x. what does this mean and what do i gain if i can switch to 8x. My options were i believe 1x,2x, 4x, 8x ? now i have been at the tech support forums and they say to leave it alone, with nothing backing them up. Or any info for me to make my own decision. Can this hurt my cpu. or something if it supports 8x?
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Hello grassi,

The AGP setting should be set to the same as what your graphics card supports. It could be that your graphics card is only a 4X AGP card if so changing to 8X wouldn't be a wise idea.

Have you tried researching your card as to what it supports?

Edited by ZEUS_GB, 17 October 2006 - 09:45 AM.

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okay, i thought by the info i read in EVEREST, that it supports 8x, also supporting 1,2 and 4x. But maybe im understanding it wrong, im new at this, but am able to figure things out. If your familiar with EVEREST i can say this; when i go to my +motherboard option and click the "+" which brings down a drop menu, then i can click chipsets for an option and i see there there the following info. And at the very bottom (permance penalty) is what led me here.

North Bridge VIA VT8378A UniChrome KM400A
Revision 00
Package Type 552 Pin HSBGA
Package Size 3.5 cm x 3.5 cm
Process Technology 0.22 um
Core Voltage 2.5 V
In-Order Queue Depth 4

Memory Controller
Bank Interleave 4-way

Memory Timings
CAS Latency (CL) 2.5T
Command Rate (CR) 2T

Memory Slots
DRAM Slot #1 1024 MB (DDR SDRAM)
DRAM Slot #2 512 MB (DDR SDRAM)

Integrated Graphics Controller
Graphics Controller Type VIA/S3 UniChrome
Graphics Controller Status Enabled
Graphics Frame Buffer Size 64 MB

AGP Controller
AGP Version 3.05
AGP Status Enabled
AGP Device VIA/S3 UniChrome Integrated
AGP Aperture Size 64 MB
Supported AGP Speeds 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x
Current AGP Speed 4x
Fast-Write Not Supported
Side Band Addressing Supported, Enabled

Chipset Manufacturer
Company Name VIA Technologies, Inc.
Product Information http://www.via.com.t...oducts/chipsets
Driver Download http://www.viaarena.com/?PageID=2

Problems & Suggestions
Problem Current AGP speed is lower than maximum supported. This may cause performance penalty.

EDITED__________hello and thank you for your reply ZEUS GB

Edited by grassi, 17 October 2006 - 11:34 AM.

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According to VIA the KM400A does support 8X.

What make and model is your PC?
Have you tried contacting their support department?
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HP Pavillion; a735w= AMD Athlon XP, 2100 MHz,1.43 Gb (10.5 x 200) 3000+

Motherboard Name Asus A7V8X-LA (Kelut) (3 PCI, 1 AGP, 2 DDR DIMM, Audio, Video, LAN, IEEE-1394)

the only support department is http://www.viaarena.com/ and im not getting the help i need, seems like they dont know anything as i get different replies and nothing positive. hope that info helps
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I've looked at the motherboard specs and it says that the motherboard has a 8X AGP slot but it doesn't say anything about the integrated graphics card being 8X. It's possible that the integrated graphics card is only 4X and that's why it's telling you about performance.

I'm gonna ask some of the other staff here if they can have a look at this thread to see what they think.
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Can you download and run CPU-Z it's a freeware system information tool.


Run the file, click the mainboard tab and under graphic interface it should display the current transfer rate.
Can you put that information into your next post.
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Attached File  screen_shot_2.bmp   397.43KB   326 downloadshello i tried a screen shot, of you program in which i found here, that it only supports 4x ? Also finally they replied at via forums and said to "go ahead and change to 8x along with instructions to change the AGP aperature to 128" ? I used and still have a program called EVEREST for their information. I really need some solid evidance as to what version i have goin with this VIA/S3 UniChrome Integrated, to make sure i have the updated version. Here is some more info that might b helpful, i have a hard time understanding it....one place it says 4x then goes on to saying this to confuse me " The VIA UniChrome KM400 North Bridge is connected to the new VIA VT8237R Plus South Bridge through a fast 8X V-Link connection." anyway here it is

Edited by grassi, 18 October 2006 - 10:40 AM.

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    There's no school like old school!

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I read that information yesterday. It says that the motherboard supports 2X/4X/8X but it doesn't say what the integrated graphics card runs at.

I think you should contact Asus tech support.
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okay... thank you, for all your help, as i learned many things in here.:blink: Meanwhile im gonna find out like you said from asus about what the integrated graphics card runs at. But i can assure you im comin back to; video card section and posting some questions which i found through all of this. thanks again. m8 :whistling:
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