As for grub, it is easy, there is a file called menu.lst, which is just a text file, and it is located in /boot/grub (so it is /boot/grub/menu.lst for the complete file name). Often there is a control console program to change the settings, but every distro is a bit different in that respect.
The forum posting is from 2004, so things have changed since then, but the process should be about the same.
The commands it is mentioning is from a console window, where you get a command prompt. There are many to choose from (xterm, etc.).
1) "rpm -q gcc-cpp" & "rpm -q kernel-source", which are commands to run, which the output will be something like:
package kernel is not installed
You can do "rpm -q -a" to list all packages and then search the output, such as:
rpm -q -a | grep kernel
Which will give all the packages which have "kernel" in the name.
Type "man cd" to find out. The man command is your friend. It stand for manual page. Just to ruin the fun, cd stand for change directory. Actually, this is a difficult command to lookup since it is based on the shell that you are using.
You can create any directory to extract the files. You might want to create a directory called "source" or "download" and keep source or download files there.
Look in eagle-usb/eagle-usb-src (sub-directory of the directory you extracted the files to), there is a file called "readme", you need to read that. It seems that things have changed with the install process.
It refers to:
http://dev.eagle-usb...iki=TestEagleUsWhich actually means you need to download another version, since the original version mentioned was 1.99 and the latest stable version is 2.1.1.
You are welcome. Does that answer all of your questions?