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suse woe's continue

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Anyone give any advice on the following probs encountered with install of suse10.1?

1. The only screen resolution that doesn't create an 'OUT OF RANGE' eroor is the lowest - (this as you can imagine is not a useable res)

Monitor is an HP D8902A which is supposed to operate between 50-60htz

2. Yast will not help me to find the drivers needed for my modem (ADSL SAGEM FAST 800) which is annoying considering that's the reason that I picked this distro (it's supposed to be easy to configure with yast) admittedly though I don't have a clue what i'm doing

3. Since install of Suse 10.1 my windows partition will not boot, it gets stuck on the second windows screen (the one with the blue background - think this is after POST)

Guys, I'm having a nightmare! - any help would be appreciated...


Stevie :whistling:
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What resolution are you trying to set it to?

According to:


the refresh rate should be 75 or 85Hz at 1024x768 or 800x600. It does not support 50Hz at all. 60Hz is supported at 640x480 and 1280x1024.

How is the ADSL modem attached? If it is ethernet, you might not need a driver and if it is USB there might not be a driver for it. It looks like it is a USB connection, based on a seach for it:

http://www.linuxques... Sagem Fast 800

That has the instructions for getting it to work.

I can't help you much with your third question, other than to check the boot settings. Are you using Lilo or Grub?

My entry using grub is:

title Windoze
root (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

Make sure that the partition is the correct partition and hard drive.
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Firstly, Thank you so much for your reply. I help on this and other forums but usually find it hard to get help when I need it.

I've managed to get the display working fine but it was a real chore to set up - primarily because of the 'out of range' errors encountered with every res except 640x480! - which looked awful (as I'm sure you can imagine!)

Since then i've managed to get things going by letting it run that res at instal and then tweak settings in suse once booted.

I'm using the grub loader and not sure how to get into the settings there - I do know which partition it should be loading so with a little help I can get this sorted...

As for the USB modem i am still struggling - the link you gave relates to suse9 and i'm using 10.1 - I did find another article but I don't understand it - can you help me to translate?

I'll paste some questions and the orig article below;


Step1: How do I check this?
Step2: Got it and it's on the desktop for the moment - Uncompress it into which folder? - what does cd mean?
Step3: Is this refering to Konsole?
Step4: Konsole?
Step5: " "
Step6: " "
Step7: " "
Step8: " "
Step9: Will be ok from there.


Suse 10.1 should come with ueagle version 1.2, but this doesn't work with latest kernel properly.


Step 1: Make sure you have the following installed: "kernel-source" "make" "gcc" before continuing
Step 2: Get ueagle 1.3, uncompress it, cd into the folder
Step 3: Type "make" but NOT "make install"
Step 4: Type "cp ueagle-atm.ko usbatm.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/usb/atm/" replacing 'uname -r' with your kernel version
Step 5: Type "mkdir /lib/firmware/ueagle-atm"
Step 5: Get "ueagle-data-1.1.tar.gz", uncompress it, cd into the folder
Step 6: Type "cp -a * /lib/firmware/ueagle-atm/"

Step 7: Type "gedit /etc/ppp/peers/ueagle-atm"

Copy in the following:
user "[email protected]"
plugin pppoatm.so VPI.VCI

Change the "[email protected]" to your ADSL username
Change VPI.VCI to your broadband companies values (check here: http://faq.eagle-usb...ListConfigADSL)
For example Tiscali UK is 0.38

Step 8: Type "gedit /etc/ppp/chap-secrets", Replace anything in there with the following line:
"[email protected]" "*" "password"
This being your ADSL username and pass obviously

Step 9: Open up YaST -> Network Devices -> DSL
Step 10: Click "Add"
- leave PPP over ATM
- VPI/VIC should have the same value as you enetered for "plugin pppoatm.so VPI.VCI"
- Set Device Activation to 'At Boot Time'
- Tick User Controlled
- Click Next, click New, enter a Provider Name (not important) and your ADSL user and pass, untick 'Always ask for password'
- Click Next
- OK & exit YaST

Step 11: Now reboot, when you start up, your connection should already be on, try a web browser smile.gif

This post has been edited by masikoto: Aug 14 2006, 06:45 PM

THANK YOU for your help - I mean that sincerely - i'm out of my depth here and cannot move forward at all without support.

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As for grub, it is easy, there is a file called menu.lst, which is just a text file, and it is located in /boot/grub (so it is /boot/grub/menu.lst for the complete file name). Often there is a control console program to change the settings, but every distro is a bit different in that respect.

The forum posting is from 2004, so things have changed since then, but the process should be about the same.

The commands it is mentioning is from a console window, where you get a command prompt. There are many to choose from (xterm, etc.).

1) "rpm -q gcc-cpp" & "rpm -q kernel-source", which are commands to run, which the output will be something like:



package kernel is not installed

You can do "rpm -q -a" to list all packages and then search the output, such as:

rpm -q -a | grep kernel

Which will give all the packages which have "kernel" in the name.

Type "man cd" to find out. The man command is your friend. It stand for manual page. Just to ruin the fun, cd stand for change directory. Actually, this is a difficult command to lookup since it is based on the shell that you are using.

You can create any directory to extract the files. You might want to create a directory called "source" or "download" and keep source or download files there.

Look in eagle-usb/eagle-usb-src (sub-directory of the directory you extracted the files to), there is a file called "readme", you need to read that. It seems that things have changed with the install process.

It refers to:


Which actually means you need to download another version, since the original version mentioned was 1.99 and the latest stable version is 2.1.1.

You are welcome. Does that answer all of your questions?
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Quick off-topic question...

Why Suse? Are you new to Linux?
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Why not suse its like the second most popular distro at the moment.
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Why not Suse?

Ubuntu :whistling:

Only kidding. Good luck with Suse :blink:
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