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video compressor / converter?

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does anyone know of any free video compression / converter tools that one could download?

Im trying to get 9.3G onto a 4.7G DVD disk. My first attempt was successfull using Roxio Video Wave 7.0 (VW7) however the output was set to "playback on this computer". The picture turned out clear on DVD but its a bit choppy, so I tried changing that setting to "good quality, small file" but a 2hr movie is still coming up to 9.3G in this format.

There is also a setting "Fit to Disk" which I tried but for some reason, it gets half way and stops, ruining the disk (gone through several this way so far).

So Im hoping to be able to compress the file first, then import it to VW7.

Does anyone know of any program like that? or other workaround?

Conversion would be great too because Premiere Pro 2.0 will not accept the files created in Windows Movie Maker or VW7 but Premiere is best for editing, colour correction (which is really useful when converting old VHS tapes to DVD) etc. Premiere only likes firewire inputs - whatever type of file that creates?

(would be nice if ONE program had all these qualities)
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:whistling: i know a good palce which provides many useful audio/video converters ,Although they are not for free ,but some trial edition is presented, so it's very convenient to download one ,and finish ur work ,u can have a try ,there is the link , hope this can help u
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thanks, will give it a try.

for some reason, Video Wave 7 is stalling after proceedure 1 of 6.

I burned a dvd with this initially using the default settings. The default was "playback on this computer" but when you put that on dvd, it was choppy, so I changed the setting to "good quality, small file" (not even the best setting)

but then the next screen said it was 9.something Gigs! so then there was a "Fit to Disk" option. Which I thought would correct it but phase one burns through in minutes, then when it gets to phase 2 (of 6) it sat there. I left ir running for more than 24 hrs one time, the light still flashing on the burner, I shut it off cause that is not going to be acceptable even if it finished the burn.

Ive tried severl differnt settings and each time ended up shutting it off before the burn was complete, thus trashing about 6 disks so far.

Just DLed ImTOO DVD from the site you said, will give that a try.
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