a paintballer from the UK, chris. A loving man always cared about others more then himself. He would go every weekend and promote a safe, fun game that all could enjoy. in the past few weeks he noticed a young boy he had never seen befor sitting and watching everyone play, chris approched the young boy and asked why arent you playing? the little boy said i have no gear, chris said why not? The little boy replied my family is going through tough times right now and we can barely afford to live. chris felt sorry for the young boy. He had something to cheer him up, chris was very tight with the manager and staff at the feild. After a few mins chris came back with a black and white stripped jersey and said "would you liek to ref?" the boys face lit up and he shook his head yes...he refed for the day, and then ran home to tell his parents what he did that day. From that point on the 10 year old boy refed every weekend.
One day as chris showed up the boy was there and putting on the ref jersey, he got out and yelled "i think your wearing the wrong jersey" the boy, confused ran up and said huh? chris then pulled out a black long sleeve shirt and said here. the boy did not know what was going on, he said i have a ref jersey already...chris said i know but thats for refing the one i gave you is for playing. the boys face went into the biggest smile chris had ever seen. He handed the boy a spyder and said go fill your co2...the boy ran to the booth and got everything he needed. he played every game that chris did and couldnt have been happier.
the next weekend chris was not there...he didnt think much of it, so he refed and talked to the staff who he had made friends with. The next weekend chris once again did not show up. the boy went up to chris's friend and said where is chris at? the man said come with me...the boy fallowed the man to his car and open'd the the back door, there was chris's gear bag. the boy knew something wasnt right. the boy opend the gear bag to find a letter that said, "i am sorry i havent been there lately but i can no longer play paintball, i have left an will not be back. i have left all my things to you. you have been the friend i never had and i will be watching you always, even though im gone you know im still here.
the boy looked up at the man and then pulled out chris's all black dm4.
he then broke into tears and the man hugged him and said im so sorry.
he had lost the person who had started him on the only thing he had. paintball.
chris died at the age of 25 of cancer.
he will be missed dearly by the paintball world.
he will be rememberd as a nice loving man, that care about others befor himself every time. thank you and always let chris be in your heart, because you are in his.
this story has changed my life...