If you are trying to use Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition, You may be having a problem with a few .h files like i was. To fix this, This is how i did it, If anyone has a better way please post it.
Please follow the below link:
This is for Windows 2003 Server, But it was the only FULL install i could find, And hey it worked lol.
Download the file depending on your CPU/OS and install it.
Once installed:
Find the folder where you see Bin, Include, Lib
Go into Microsoft Visual C++ ED, And go to Tools -> Options, Then go down to Projects and Solutions, Click it open, Click on VC++ Directories, Under Executables, Go to the window where you can see Bin, Include, Lib,.
Go into the Bin folder, Copy the address from the address bar, Click the folder with the star thingy, And paste that address into there.
For the Include and Lib folders its the same except on the drop down in MSVC++ You need to select either Include, Or Library.
Pretty self explanitory for the rest (Include, Lib) If your having a problem understanding what im saying, Copy the Include address like you did the Bin, Click the star folder thingy under Includes, Paste that address.
Copy the address for Lib, Go to Library files or w.e in MSVC++ and click the star folder thing, And paste that address in.
Click OK, And wam, Works like a charm
If anyone else has either a better way to fix this, Please post, As the only full exe i could find to fix this was the Windows 2003 server edition SDK.
Thanks, And good luck, Danny.
Edited by danny3793, 14 November 2006 - 10:56 PM.