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I am a member of three online forums. It all started when an 18 year old kid showed me a site on overclocking. I have gained a lot of knowledge on these forums. Reading them is a plus.. Learning is an on going thing.

I have never quite got use to one thing. I see a lot of it with my customers and I see a lot of it with others in the forums.

Malware, spyware & virus's..

A lot of my customers are repeats. We clean out their computers and soon after they are back. You cannot tell a customer what to do with their computers.

My question is.. How and why do so many people have problems with malware, spyware and viruses ?

Im on the internet 24/7 and I have no problems. Yes I do scan for malware, spyware & viruses but I get very little malware and spyware and have only gotten one virus in the 6 years I have been on the internet.
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Most people become infected because they aren't knowledgeable or put themselves at risk by visiting risky sites, IMO.
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Thanks.. We have tried telling customers, warning them, about web sites and other computer online practices that can lead to problems with malware, spyware and viruses.

Can something of this nature be posted ?

Sort of like a safe web browsing & down loading practice ?
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I believe there is something like that in the malware forum.
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While online practices are probably the biggest issue, there's also those who surf safely, but they still get infected. There's still a lot of viruses being passed via e-mail and instant messaging these days. So while surfing the net safely is a big one, you have to be careful that your friends don't infect you on accident.
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Can something of this nature be posted ?

Sort of like a safe web browsing & down loading practice ?

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People get malware on their computer's because it is just so dang tempting to want to shoot bin laden. :whistling:
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