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Trouble Connecting Xbox 360 to laptop

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Hello, I am having trouble connecting my 360 to my laptop. I have succeeded with everything up to the point where the 360 looks for a computer. It cannot find my laptop. It tells me to test my connection and I do and the wired connection is good but the IP fails. How can I get my 360 to locate my laptop? I am connecting my laptop to the 360 directly with my ethernet cable.
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I am not sure this is relevant but I know for a LAN game using an x box or x box 360 an ethernet crossover cable must be used insted of a regular ethernet cable. I would suggest trying to connect it using the USB ports.
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You need to bridge the connections first say wireless to ethernet or else you cannot connect to Xbox Live. To do this go into network conections select the two you want to bridge e.g. Wireless connection and LAN then right click and select bridge connections. You dont need a crossover cable you can just use a standard Ethernet cable.

Edited by rumble291, 14 February 2007 - 05:25 PM.

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You need to bridge the connections first say wireless to ethernet or else you cannot connect to Xbox Live. To do this go into network conections select the two you want to bridge e.g. Wireless connection and LAN then right click and select bridge connections. You dont need a crossover cable you can just use a standard Ethernet cable.

I tried all this but my xbox 360 won't connect to the network. any ideas?
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