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Vista x86 and x64 licensing question

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Ok, I now that each vista DVD contains both the x86 and x64 versios of the OS. Lets say I choose to install the x64 bit version of Ultimate, If I end not liking it, can I format the HD and install the 32 bit version with the same key/activation I used for the 64 bit version? Or is the "Choose wisely, or you won't be able to go back" thing, lol.
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If you install x64, format the harddrive and change the bit version you will definately still be able to use the same key/activation. Also if Windows ever did enforce a only use key once policy per bit version then you could use Boot and Nuke.
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    Founder Geek

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The same key will installl and activate either, on the same system. There is no upgrade/downgrade path for 32-64 bit, so it always has to be a clean installation.
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Nice!! Does that applies to the OEM version? I heard the OEM only has 1 version on each DVD, is that true?
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    Founder Geek

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You need to pick 32 or 64-bit when purchasing OEM, and there are other restrictions. You may find this interesting:
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