anyways, im writing a program for my TI-83+ calculator.
I wrote a pretty basic RPG game with TI-BASIC, and I'm trying to port it to ASM. My problem is, my game uses about 16 (not sure off the top of my head) variables which can only be used for one purpose. (for example, variable A is the variable which holds the amount of health the player has.) Not only this, but about half of those variables need to be able to go over 255 (the 8-bit registers' limit, i believe). So my question is this: is there any way to make my game in ASM, without removing some variables (and therefore features)? I think it might have something to do with stacking, but I have no clue how to use stacks (despite how many tutorials I have read).
If it helps, I will post the TI-BASIC code for the game on here. Just ask.