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Malware how-to guides information

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    Founder Geek

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These guides contain self-help instructions for spyware and other malware infections. These can be advanced, so use with care, and when in doubt post questions in the malware removal forum.
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I use McAfee virus scan, and it detected three malware files and moved them to the quarantine folder. However, it says it says they were moved but not cleaned because the files aren't cleanable. How do I get rid of these viruses? The files are A0099260.exe, A0101019.exe, and A0101020.exe.
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    OT Moderator

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It appears that you might have a Malware problem; I would like to suggest that you start a new thread in the Malware Removal - HiJackThis™ Logs Go Here area.

Before you post a log click on this link --> You Must Read This Before Posting A Hijackthis Log
this will give you a few preparations to make, as well as instruction for posting your Hijackthis log.

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Hello, i have a virus, a TROJAN_GENERIC.ADV virus which i cant remove, i desperately need help and advice.
i would really appreciate some guidance in how to delete it, ive tried in different ways but i cant delete the file infected by it.

Thnx for your help.
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Go to the Malware Removal forum, read the Sticky Threads and follow the steps there.

Then post a HijackThis log in that forum if the problem remains.
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:) Hi there, I scanned my computer for 13 hours with AVG Anti-virus Free, but it never ends, so I stopped it, the scanned results said "Found Adware.Generic", "Trojan.Bomka", :Logger Goldun.an","Trojan.Zlob.f","Logger Sters"... HEAPS MORE!!! :) Can anyone please please help me, my computer is now extremely slow, please anyone? What should I do now? :)
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Go to the Malware Removal forum, read the Sticky Threads and follow the steps there.

Then post a HijackThis log in that forum if the problem remains.
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I am having trouble downloading a CD disk on my computer. I also get a systems32 problem when I shutoff my computer for the night and then turn it on in the AM. I went and did a scan and here is my log. Please see what you think you can with this info, Thank you .

This isn't the area to post logs.
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    GeekU Moderator

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Please follow all of the steps in this section of the Malware Forum. These self-help tools will help you clean up 70% of problems on your own. If you are still having problems after doing the steps, then please post a HiJackThis Log in the Malware Forum. If you are unable to run and/or post a HJT log, then post that in your initial post in the topic you create in that forum. Should you post in that forum please do not respond to your own topic. Our Malware Staff look for topics to help out in that have no responses. The Malware Forum is very busy with many more requests for help than we have volunteer helpers, so please be patient. If you have not had a response to a topic after 3 days then please go to the Waiting Room and read the pinned topic for instructions.
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Hey, i'm using windows XP, and one of my SVCHOST.exe proceeses is continuously running really high and eating up my ram. i would like to know how to heal it. Thnx
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    Malware Monger

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svchost.exe is a legitimate process.

If you suspect you have a virus read this thread first.
Following what is outlined there you will get rid of at least the majority of your malware problems.
If the problem still persists post a Hijack this log in this forum for the experts to analyze.
If it has been 3 days and you haven't received help, post in the waiting room and someone will get to you.

Just a heads up ... replying to your own thread will likely make you wait LONGER as it makes you appear to be receiving help already.
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I'm a little confused about what to do. I originally posted a question in the operating system forum because after an update my desktop files disappeared as well as my custom background. Since it happened twice, they suggested I come to the malware pages, clean up what I could, then post a hijack this log.

I started on the first page trying to download outerinfo uninstaller. Now, I don't see anything related to outerinfo on my computer but I get the impression that I need to follow all of the instructions to clean up anything that I can before posting. Is that correct? If so, I've already had a problem. My computer first had an error trying to run the uninstaller. When I tried again it said it could not find the file at the website. What's going on?

As a last note, I currently have no indication of a type of malware.
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Post in the Malware Removal forum
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This probably soundx stupid to you but Where is the Malware Removal Forum? I thought I was posting in the right place!
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    GeekU Moderator

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Please follow all of the steps in this section of the Malware Forum. These self-help tools will help you clean up 70% of problems on your own. If you are still having problems after doing the steps, then please post a HiJackThis Log in the Malware Forum. If you are unable to run and/or post a HJT log, then post that in your initial post in the topic you create in that forum. Should you post in that forum please do not respond to your own topic. Our Malware Staff look for topics to help out in that have no responses. The Malware Forum is very busy with many more requests for help than we have volunteer helpers, so please be patient. If you have not had a response to a topic after 3 days then please go to the Waiting Room and read the pinned topic for instructions.
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