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Malware how-to guides information

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svchost.exe is a legitimate process.

If you suspect you have a virus read this thread first.
Following what is outlined there you will get rid of at least the majority of your malware problems.
If the problem still persists post a Hijack this log in this forum for the experts to analyze.
If it has been 3 days and you haven't received help, post in the waiting room and someone will get to you.

Just a heads up ... replying to your own thread will likely make you wait LONGER as it makes you appear to be receiving help already.

Yikes! Just saw that! I wanted to add info to my post and instead of editing my original post like I guess I was supposed to, I made another post in my thread. Would it be possible for someone to delete my second post so it doesn't look like received help?

I'm not trying to rush anyone. Believe me, I am so greatful for this forum and all the help you give. I just accidently messed up with my post. Sorry about that.

Edited by catki86226, 12 September 2009 - 03:49 PM.

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Hi catki86226,

Many topics have more than one initial post from the member requesting help due to the size of the logs that are required to be posted. I wouldn't be overly concerned at the moment. :)
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:) Hi I am gopalchsahoo from bbsr orissa india want to know that I am facing a problem that avirus always comes out when iam in middle of a tax please help me if you can please mail me your information


please visit me [www.jkp.shreegopal.bloggspot.com] :)

Edited by Essexboy, 13 September 2009 - 11:35 AM.
e-mail removed

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Please follow all of the steps in this section of the Malware Forum. These self-help tools will help you clean up 70% of problems on your own. If you are still having problems after doing the steps, then please post an OTListit and Rootrepeal Log in the Malware Forum. If you are unable to run and/or post an OTListit log, then post that in your initial post in the topic you create in that forum. Should you post in that forum please do not respond to your own topic. Our Malware Staff look for topics to help out in that have no responses. The Malware Forum is very busy with many more requests for help than we have volunteer helpers, so please be patient. If you have not had a response to a topic after 3 days then please go to the Waiting Room and read the pinned topic for instructions.
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thank you so much it is easy to follow tutorial.
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Thanks for the feedback sul2005tan. :)

We develop our tutorials so that they are easy to follow as it takes a little bit of the workload off the malware staff.
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I have Windows XP. Something is really wrong with my laptop. Windows reports that computer is infected. Antivirus software helps to protect your computer against viruses and other security threats. I saw that the publisher Magic Software Inc. is a fraud. I can't seem to get rid of this and it is keeping me from downloading any new anti-virus software. Please help these pop-ups are driving me crazy.
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Please go to the malware forum and follow the instructions at the top....Especially the CLICK HERE.

That will give you several steps that will help you clean up 70 percent of all problems by yourself. If at the end of the process you are still having difficulty--and you may not be-- then post an OTListIt log in THAT forum.
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Hi!! I have a problem and I can't even complete your DIY guide thing..

Here is my problem:

System Specs: Intel Core II Duo, 4400 @ GHz, 2GB of Ram, GeForce Nvidia 8400GS 512Mb.

OS: Windows XP

Whenever I start up, everything works fine for a while until everything bombs out, desktop Icons change, Start menu items disappear or appear to be empty. My theme layout changes, And the error: "Not enough quota available" keeps popping up at eratic intervals.

NOW. I did think at first it was a virtual Memory problem (But it doesn't explain the weird behavior with the desktop and Start Menu.

Paging File Size:

Initial - 2046Mb
Max - 4092Mb

I'm sure this isn't the problem.

So I was going through your help guide. I ran the TFC and it removed quite a number of files. And then it told me to Reboot, Clicked okay. And then it got stuck on the Shutdown Screen. Is this normal?

Edited by bileous_axe, 01 December 2009 - 05:26 AM.

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You need to make a topic in the Virus Removal forum
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Abrar Ahmed

Abrar Ahmed

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Okay so today I went to a website called tvshack.net. After clicking enter a warning came up saying "Malware Detected", I neglected the warning and clicked "continue" or something like that I don't really remember. So a few minutes later it says "Google Chrome has crashed" and everything closes. And whenever I try to open an application it says "Application cannot be executed. The file __________.exe (depending on what program/application I open) is infected. Do you want to activate your antivirus software now?" If I click yes, it takes me to http://desktop-antiv...ock.php?r=57.13 which is a website that sells an antivirus software called Antivirus Live. This might be because of various different reasons, recently I downloaded a program called FreeVPN, which is a software that creates a generic IP address to access websites exclusive to foreign countries such as Hulu and Fancast. The "problem" could've also been transferred through the website tvshack.net, I dont know.

Either way, I need help. Can somebody please tell me what to do?

THanks in advance

Edited by sari, 10 January 2010 - 09:38 PM.
Removed email address

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Please go to the Malware forum and start a new topic. Explain that you're unable to run any programs. Someone will help you there.
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Why cant I start a new topic?
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I suggest you take your log to the malware doctors found in this forum.
Please make sure that you read this before posting anything in the malware forum.

If you're still having problems after the malware doctors declare your log clean feel free to post back here and we'll help you to the best of our knowledge! :)

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Not sure Im in the right place, but, just got through the steps in the malware & spyware removal guide. I have the "gmer, otl, & extras" files ready to send. Could not get the mbam file, computer told me the setup file was corrupted, so I was instructed to go to the next step. Any help would be appreciated.... : )
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