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Vista Dual-Boot

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  • PipPipPip
  • 167 posts
Hi there. I've upgraded to Vista, making two paritions on my primary 300gb Sata hard drive. 150gb for Vista, the other 120-odd for XP. I have kept my two old IDE 80gb drives, and have set up partitions so that one has 40gb for Windows 2000, 20gb for Win98 and 20gb for Win95. My computer boots from the Sata hard drive and has the two 80gb drives as secondary boot devices. Upon boot, it shows the Vista boot menu, with two options - boot into Vista or old versions of Windows. I press Enter on old versions of Windows and it automatically boots into XP.
I had the drive set up with the same format, before I upgraded to Vista. So I had XP Pro as the main OS, with the dual boot giving me options for 2000, 98 and 95 - mainly because I enjoy playing older games which don't run in the 'Run in Windows xx mode' in XP as well as running incompatible programs.

So, how can I make a dual boot system so that it gives the options, boot into Vista, XP, 2000, 98 or 95 etc? Or is this a so-far unknown part of the new OS that nobody's figured out yet?

Any help is much appreciated.

Thanks people :whistling:
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Answered in your other topic. Please try not to post multiple topics on the same problem.
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