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Windows and Apple Mac Programs

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Steve Soleimani

Steve Soleimani


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I have a question. Which programs that run on Windows also run on Apple Mac computers. Like for example LimeWire, or Nero, or Sbybot S&D, Mozilla Firefox, etc. Is there a full list of all Windows programs that can operate on a Mac laptop or desktop besides stuff like AIM, or games.
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Hi. I'm confused as to if you want a list of compatible programs, or a way to tell if a program you want to use will be compatible... If you go to the application developer's website, they will 9 times out of 10 tell you what the system requirements are. If they don't, I don't think it would be wise to use them. Also, we cannot help you with any P2P applications such as LimeWire, so please veer away from that part of the topic.
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Every program will be different, we couldn't say yes and no to every program as there are to many to name. To find out for yourself go to google and then type the following
system requirements for (name of program)

Ex: I typed
system requirements of mozilla firefox
I got the following results
There it told me hardare requirements as well as the OS it'll work on, do the same for every other program you wish to find info on.
Google will give you every answer you'll ever need.
If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask.

P.S. To my knowledge there is no list, as I couldn't find one and would be difficult to upkeep as everything changes so much from day to day.

Edited by james_8970, 06 March 2007 - 09:45 PM.

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