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playstation 2 games can you play on playstation 3 ?

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Shock Box

Shock Box


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Hi everybody just a question

Playstation 2 games can you play on Playstation 3? or do you need an upgrade or to pay money for it? i just wanted to know because i was going to buy one when it came out
(Friday 23 March 2007 Europe)

Shock Box :whistling:
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yes i think PS3 plays PS2 and PS1 games and the software is already built in.
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Shock Box

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thanks oliverporter3 :whistling:

shock box
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nope! oliverporter3 is wrong if your gettin a europeon one then hes wrong ... jap or USA one hes right ... graduly u will get more and more PS2 and PS1 games working on the PS3 but only like 1000 straight away here is the website to tell you what ones work so far http://faq.eu.playstation.com/bc/
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dudeja is right, here in north america and over in japan we have the NTSC format were as you guys have the NAPAL or whatever its called. Your already paying about 250$ more per PS3 in europe because you guys have a different format. So as an effort to slash prices they removed the emulator of the PS2 from the PS3. This will cause problems in some games, wether is be major or minor, but some you'll be lucky and get out fine. Also 1000 is over shooting it, I believe it's much lower. I think only 100 titles or so won't have an noticeable issues last I heard.

P.S. good find.

Edited by james_8970, 07 April 2007 - 12:33 AM.

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Also 1000 is over shooting it, I believe it's much lower. I think only 100 titles or so won't have an noticeable issues last I heard.

P.S. good find.

no i ment you can play over 1000 games but some of them arnt to good at the moment like GTA SA :whistling: where cars fly randoms about :blink: but i gotta say it was fun playin it like that hehe
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Shock Box

Shock Box


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Thank for all the information guys i have got my Playstation 3 now there isn't that many Playstation 3 Games out here at the moment and you are right in the fact that some of the Playstation 2 Games have Glitches and some Don't " Thank for all the information guys " You've been Great if you think of anything else let me know. :blink:

Shock Box :whistling:
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