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Internet Explorer

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Area 51

Area 51


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A lady at work told me that she got a new computer, she said she got the cable to transfer her files from her old computer XP to Vista. Now it won't connect to Internet Explorer unless she right clicks on the administator, I think that's what she said. I told her to system restore back a couple of days but she said she already tried that, any thoughts as to why? I told her I'm not familiar with Vista but I would ask on here for her.
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Hey there Area 51,

Well, if she done a full transfer including the connection settings too. Then I would recommend you telling her that she must create a new Internet Connection for Vista and delete the old. Also try and get the latest Modem drivers for Vista...

Create New Internet Connection:

> "Start"
> "Control Panel"
> "Network and Internet"
> "Network and Sharing Center"
> On the left window pane, select "Set up a connection or network"
> From there follow the prompts to suite your modem settings.

(Note: Once again make sure that you have the appropriate Vista compatible modem drivers, older drivers not suitable for Vista will have issues)

Cool, let me know if that works... :whistling:
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