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McAfee is giving me problems

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I use the Ares client to download/share home videos... similar to those on YouTube. I am currently running Windows Vista Home Premium.

The problem is, I use to be able to use Ares with no problems.... up until I installed McAfee. I have been to other forums, but the only solution given is to remove McAfee....

What happens is that when I run Ares, McAfee somehow stops my whole network connection. I do not think it is because Ares is a malware program, but because McAfee has some incorrect setting.

I have it set to allow full access to Ares, as well as have my firewall settings to 'Trusting', allowing almost all outbound/inpound port connections. I have also set up port forwarding on the software and my router with no luck.

I also have tried uninstalling/reinstalling Ares... the latest version 2.0.8

The funny thing is that randomly it will work... if I leave it on over night with Ares running, I will come ti find in the morning that some transfer of files did occur....

Anyone know what to do to fix this?

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  • PipPipPipPip
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Hey there s4baz,

We at Geeks To Go do not condone, and will not assist in piracy in any way shape or form. Ares is a P2P program that is used to share music and files over the internet, this can degrade network performance and consume alot of bandwidth. It also one of the main distribution of spyware/adware products.

So I would recommend you uninstalling Ares and everything about it. That is the exact reason your McAfee is giving you problems, the fact that it's trying to stop Ares negative effects.

Sorry for the trouble this may have caused, but this issue can no longer be handled unless Ares is remove. But most probably, when removing Ares you will not have any further problems. If you DO, then please start a new thread.

This thread will be closed shortly... :whistling:
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