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File Blocking

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  • PipPipPip
  • 127 posts
I downloaded Limewire and answered yes when prompted by firewall whether to allow access to this program. I think I also said to run program at start up. After program was installed, I am now getting error message that says something like
"internet can not be accessed by this program, or firewall is blocking internet access" What settings can I change?

Also, have another separate ssue. I am getting error message "driver blocked due to imcompatability, contact driver manufacturer for update" The driver is Sonic Solutions DLA.
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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We here at GeeksToGo will not assist you with issues relating to P2P file sharing programs. While many of these programs are-in-and of themselve legal, most things aquired by their use are not. Instead of attempting to differentiate between the legal use of P2P programs and the illegal use thereof, we have decided to stop helping with issues regarding this software. It is also in your best interest to know that many P2P software packages come bundled with spyware/malware/virii and that their use greatly increases the chances of your computer becoming infected. I strongly suggest that you uninstall these programs and refrain from using them at all costs.

If you have any issues with this policy please PM a Moderator or Admin.
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